アテフ・ハリム(Atef Halim)ヴァイオリン


1993年日本での演奏活動開始。全国でリサイタルを展開し、“エンジョイ!ベートーヴェン”(vnソナタ全10曲連続演奏)シリーズ[全国数カ所]、 “ブラームスはお好き?”(vnソナタ全3曲全国ツアー)、 “モーツァルトvsプロコフィエフ”、“フランスの香り”、”バッハ無伴奏ヴァイオリンリサイタル”など興味深いテーマのコンサートを行う。モスクワ放送管弦楽団、カイロ・シンフォニー、神奈川フィル等、国内外のオーケストラとの共演も多数。また、廃校になった小学校体育館でのコンサート(NHKで全国放送される)、赤ちゃんと寄り添って聴くコンサート、タンゴとの競演などクラシック音楽の楽しさを幅広く伝える活動や、震災復興支援・カンボジアやミャンマーに学校や病院建設・小児がんの子供の為のチャリティコンサートなども積極的に行っている。東大寺(奈良)、長谷寺(鎌倉)、世界平和記念聖堂(広島)等での平和への祈りを込めた演奏も印象深い。来日25周年(2018)を記念した“アテフ・ハリム物語コンサート”も好評で、続編が予定されている。日本でのCDも、「徹底的に独自のスタイルを磨き上げ、誰も真似のできない世界を作り上げた」(『レコード芸術』誌)と高く評価される。2020はコロナ禍の中、待望のJ.S.バッハ「無伴奏ヴァイオリンソナタ&パルティータ」をリリース、奈良東大寺大仏殿にて「新型コロナ終息祈願」の演奏を行った。TVやラジオ出演も多く、ユーモア溢れる親しみやすいキャラクターで親日家ぶりを発揮。「音楽こそ、すべての人が分かりあえる唯一の言葉、そして平和につながる確かな希望」をモットーに、情熱的な心で音楽の希望を伝え続けている。


Atef Halim was born in Cairo on October 6th, 1950.His father discovered his passion for music when Atef was only 2 years old.

At 5, he began to study the violin with the Italian professor Minato. At 13, he was sent to France to study with the renowned professor Renée Benedetti, who helped him shape his musical personality and develop his technique.

During his formative years, he received the encouragements of eminent violinists such as Leonid Kogan and Yehudi Menuhin.

But the most important development in his career was studying for four years with the violin virtuoso Henrick Szeryng, who became a role model for him as an outstanding pedagogue and musician.

Atef Halim then started performing throughout Europe with many great artists and prestigious orchestras. He worked tirelessly to develop a large chamber music repertory – quartet, trio, duo, sonata for piano and violin – following his master Jascha Heifetz’s motto that “the most important for the development of an artist is the chamber music”.

In his thirties, Atef Halim concentrated his attention on contemporary music creation, in order to enlarge his repertoire.

Since his started violin 5 decades ago, Atef Halim has built an impressive musical career, playing soloist under the baton of renowned conductors, participating in numerous international music festivals and performing throughout the world.

Atef Halim has also made numerous recordings, for radio and TV stations, as well as many records and CDs, to the praise of musical critics in prestigious magazines and newspapers such as “Le Monde” and “Diapasons”.

A new milestone in Atef Halim’s personal life and career was his relocation to Japan, where he has been living since 1993.

He has since been giving recitals and concerts throughout Japan, as well as charity concerts for causes dear to him such as cancer-stricken children and aged people.